About us

Anue is a factory brand created by a team of fashion creators in Japan that returns to the origin of Made-in-Japan. Using the technology of each creator who is active in various fields, we offer a new sense of shopping experience that combines virtual and real life. And The birth of Anue has a reason and a purpose.


The important thing in modern fashion is that it is necessary to produce and consume while considering the global environmental impact of the clothing industry. The Japanese clothing industry is still lagging behind other countries in achieving a sustainable society that is becoming increasingly important worldwide. What we can do to change the current situation little by little is to create opportunities for society and companies to work on sustainability projects and propose and implement the best methods. Anue is the project brand and it’s first step for the best methods. The materials used are not new, but all of our dead stock fabrics, they are made to order so that we never leave any stock, and most importantly, they are brands that respect the manufacturer. The importance of being a factory brand is to let everyone know the story of clothes. It is important not only to talk about the process of making clothes, but also to convey the thoughts and work of craftsmen. One piece of clothing contains a lot of craftsmanship. It is a valuable asset in the fashion industry that must be left to posterity. Now, however, the aging of the workforce may be progressing, and their craftsmanship may be cut off. There are various reasons for this, such as a labor shortage, working on holidays, and a wage cut due to a decrease in sales. The SDGs also define respect for the human rights of everyone, including the socially vulnerable, as an important issue for environmental protection. In order to improve the current situation, we believe that some of the sales of this brand should be returned to the sewing factory as a fair consideration. And we would like to be able to evaluate the creativity and technical capabilities of our planners, developers, and craftsmen.


In the world of Anue, an unidentified creature, commonly known as UMA (Cryptid in English), appears as a model. The icons of this brand, UMA, are not human. And by reading real design patterns and material data using 3D software specializing in fashion design, the design can be constructed 3D on the screen, and the 3D model of the created clothes can be dressed in glass 3D avatars. Yes, what you see on the website is not a product worn by a human model, not a picture of a real product. The absence of human beings can reduce the cost of filming and the CO2 emissions of vehicles used when traveling. And above all, Anue wants to be a brand that transcends race. In recent years, the fashion industry has entered the world-renowned augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) computer experience and goods market in various ways, but it can be said that it is an opposite market for us, the clothing industry, which deals with human necessities. However, by combining everything with reality without virtual transition, SDGs can be a shortcut to achieving them, allowing you to experience new shopping experiences while making ethical consumption.


Anue's view of the world remains the same from the original way “wearing and enjoying fashion”. Anue is constantly upgrading. – Nue



Anueは日本のファッションクリエイターチームによって創られた「メイドインジャパン」を原点回帰するファクトリーブランドです。様々な分野で活躍するクリエイター 一人ひとりの技術を生かし、バーチャルとリアルを融合した新感覚の買い物体験を提供します。









Anueの世界観は「ファッションは着て楽しむ」という本来の在り方から変わりません。Anueは常にアップグレードしていきます。 - Nue